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Creating a DataMaker template

How to create a template in DataMaker

Follow these simple steps to create a new template in your DataMaker account:

  1. Starting the template creation: navigate to the “create new template” button in your account and press it. Alternatively, you can select “add new template” from the left panel. NewTemplateButton

  1. Template and preview sections: two sections will appear on your screen:

    • On the left side, you’ll find the template area to add your desired data fields for your datasets.
    • On the right side, there’s a live preview of the data in JSON format.

  2. Naming your template: first, name your template. Enter the desired name in the “template name” field, for example, “My First template”. NewTemplateName

  3. Saving the template: press “save” to store the name of your template.

  4. Adding data fields: click “add field” and choose a name for your data set, such as “Clients first names”.

  5. Selecting data Types: in the “data type” dropdown menu, select a data type for your set, for example, “First names”. Here, you can also specify the gender – male or female. For additional information on data types, please refer to this section. FirstName

  6. Expanding your template: you can subsequently add more data fields, like “Client last names”. LastName

  7. Finalizing the template: your template is saved automatically and can be viewed in the left side panel.

  8. Template ready for use: your template is now ready for use.

Congratulations! Your DataMaker template is set up and ready to be utilized.